Rejuvenate Your Facial Features with a Facelift

Rejuvenate Your Facial Features with a Facelift

As we age, our skin contains less collagen and also begins to show the effects of sun exposure, airborne pollutants and decreased structural support. The result is sagging, wrinkling and folding. A facelift can help to rejuvenate the appearance of the facial skin merely by repositioning the skin, smoothing it out and removing excess deposits of fat that lie beneath the skin layers.

Some people might believe that a facelift is a complicated, somewhat risky procedure, but it’s actually rather simple. Countless thousands of individuals have enjoyed a more youthful appearance merely by having a facelift performed.

Advantages of a Facelift Procedure

Some skin rejuvenation procedures involve the use of chemicals. These actually burn the epidermis and cause it to flake away. This procedure can actually cause discolorations, and it does nothing to eliminate fat deposits. Abrasive resurfacing techniques can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but the larger folds and creases remain.

On the other hand, a facelift smooths the skin by pulling it upward and outward. This greatly reduces the appearance of jowls, sagging along the cheeks and larger nasolabial folds.

What the Procedure Involves

We first consult with our client and examine the face closely. We note the severity of skin sagging, measure the thickness of the skin and determine whether fat deposits are contributing to the problem. If a facelift procedure is deemed to be the best solution, we will give the client instructions on how to prepare for the procedure.

The details of each procedure vary from patient to patient. However, during a traditional facelift – also known as a rhytidectomy – the skin on the cheek is pulled away from the subdermal tissue. The excess fat is removed and some muscle tissue is repositioned. The skin is then laid flat with the excess removed.

What Patients Need to Know

A general or local anesthetic is required. Because of this, someone else will have to accompany the client to the clinic. Full recovery takes about two to three weeks.

The results are long-lasting, with most clients reporting smoother facial skin for up to three years after the procedure is performed. This is another advantage a facelift procedure has over plumping, abrasive resurfacing or chemical treatments.

Contact Our Office Today

At the office of Dr. Wendell Perry, MD in Miramar, FL, we know you have many questions about how a facelift can affect your appearance. We’re here to help. We happily serve individuals in theAlexandria – Woodbridge, VA & Rockville, MD and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, during which we’ll show you exactly how this procedure can give your face a more youthful appearance.