Q: I Am Considering Getting a Brazilian Butt Lift in the Future. How Long Is There No Sitting Post-Op?
I understand why not sitting is important, and i have started to mentally prepare myself to not sit on it for the first month after my surgery to get the best possible results, but how will i use the restroom? Is there a technique or a special pillow or toilet seat i have to get? How long after the surgery would i have a follow up appointment? How long would you suggest i stay off of my new butt for best results?
A: Brazilian butt lift and not sitting
The hardest part of the Brazilian butt lift is preserving the injected fat. This requires 10 days of not sitting and sleeping on the stomach. Sitting and putting pressure on the buttocks will kill the fat cells and cause an suboptimal result. You have to sit sometimes but minimizing the time setting will protect your result. Prolonged pressure on the fat cells will damage the pressure for a short time will do little damage to the cells.
When you 1st do the fat injection the fat cells have no blood supply. The blood vessels will begin to grow on the 4th and 5th postoperative day. It’s the 1st 5 days where the fat cells are the weakest each day after that get stronger. There is no difference between a 9 & a 11, 10 days is an arbitrary number. On day 11 you don’t want to sit for 6 hours straight, but you can do more setting budgets move around trying not to put pressure in only one place. Doughnuts are not a good idea because a create an uneven pressure which may lead to an uneven result. Sleeping is also an issue and you shouldn’t sleep on any of the area that had the fat injection.
Most times the 1st follow-up would be within the 1st few days.