What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure and aesthetic surgery used for fat removal. The goal of liposuction is to attack problem areas where there is excess fat. Problem areas of the body have a high concentration of fat cells. So when calories go into the body, the body tends to store more fat in these problem areas. Liposuction decreases the concentration of fat cells in these problem areas.

What Can Liposuction Achieve?

The goal of liposuction techniques is to get the concentration of fat cells in the problem areas to the same concentration of fat cells in the adjacent normal areas. When this is done, even as a person gains weight, they will gain weight evenly. An even concentration of fatty tissue in the back, waist, and hips will create a smooth S-shaped curve, which is the key to an attractive figure. A perfect liposuction would leave an even concentration of fat cells over the entire body, and when a person gains a pound, they would gain it evenly.

Traditional liposuction surgery is not a weight loss procedure but a body contouring procedure. If calories come in the body they will be stored. This is why removing every fat cell from one place will condemn another place to gain weight and why removing every fat cell from an area is not the best way to do liposuction. Instead, creating an even concentration of fat cells is the answer for successful liposuction.

Liposuction works because fat cells don’t replicate. You’re born with a certain number of fat cells. When you gain weight, each cell gets larger, and when you lose weight, each cell gets smaller. You do not replicate new fat cells when you gain weight. If fat cells replicated, liposuction would not work. The permanence of liposuction comes from the fact that fat cells don’t replicate. If you take in calories, you will gain weight, but after the liposuction, you will gain weight evenly and not just gain weight in the problem areas. You will keep your shape, keep your curve and gain weight evenly. If you lose weight, you will still keep your curve because you will lose weight evenly. If you lose weight in the hips, it also means an even amount of weight in the waist, and as long as the waist is narrower than the hips the curve is maintained.

My experience was great! My results are amazing!! Thanks Dr. Perry


Liposuction Recovery

The first night after liposuction is uncomfortable. The effects of the anesthesia will make you groggy. The patients have a throbbing, achy type of pain on the first night. The second night is better. And the third night is significantly better. Most people will need pain medicine for the first 4 to 5 days. After that time most people do not have pain when they sit still, but are achy and sore. Sort of like the feeling after the exercise. Most people take 5 to 7 days off of work.

There is no exercise for 2 to 3 weeks. Two weeks of walking, exercise, or a light treadmill may be done. It’s 4 to 6 weeks before the exercise can be done. A light garment is used during this time. At four weeks, approximately 60 to 70% of the swelling will have resolved. At eight weeks, 90% of the swelling will be resolved. Most people have the full look between two and three months.

The healing process is a gradual one, and it will take several months to see your results. Small incisions that were created will fade over the course of a few months and are barely visible. Swelling will fluctuate with exercise and activity for about 6-9 months. Follow up visits will be needed to determine that you are healing well and your results are good. Results from liposuction are technically permanent, though body contours may be affected by pregnancy, weight gain, aging, and other lifestyle factors.

The complications that can occur with liposuction are the complications that occur within the surgery. Pulmonary embolism, infection, hemorrhage and anesthesia complications.

Liposuction is a dramatic procedure that makes a significant and permanent change to a patient’s appearance. This change should not be underestimated and may be more significant than a flat stomach after a tummy tuck “abdominoplasty”.

Featured Procedure Video:

Video Transcript:

Skin contraction is just as important as removing fat when you do a liposuction. If you do superficial liposuction correctly, the skin will contract. Not a question of if, it’s a question of how much.

I think there are three things that probably have to do with the skin contracting. One thing is that when you do liposuction, you create a network in the areas where you remove the fat. So if you liposuction something too much as thick, as it heals, it will scar down into a quarter inch think.

So an example of that is here. Her muscles are here. The abdominal wall is here. So this is maybe three, four inches away. As it scars, the skin will pull it back toward the muscle. And you see here, now the muscle is here and the skin is here. So this is a tremendous amount of skin contraction and I think that’s probably the main thing that’s driving that skin contraction.

The second thing I think is probably doing that is actually injuring the skin. When you do the liposuction, you rub the cannula underneath the skin. You are injuring the skin, and when you injure something, you lay down collagen .If you ever had a scar, you feel that skin. It’s always thicker and harder than the normal skin next to it. That’s because of the extra collagen is laid down. So I think that’s also happening.

The last thing is probably magic stem cells. When you shake up fat, you release stem cells. Fat has a lot of stem cells and you’re probably bathing the skin with stem cells and that’s probably has something to do with getting the skin to contract although nobody really knows.

Now, the point is this result from here to here is about removing the fat cells but it’s really about the skin contracting. If the skin was a loose bag after you remove these cells, this result would be horrible. But because the skin contracts from this to this, form that to that, that is a key to really a good liposuction.

The skin contraction is just as important as removing the fat. Let’s look at some examples. And every example we see, the skin afterwards will be tighter than the skin before. A before and after of this lady who have liposuction done before as least by somebody else. Without doing the liposuction correctly, the skin did not contract. When doing the liposuction correctly, the skin contracts. We go from this to this. This skin is tighter than before.

The back, this is the big deal. But this skin again is tighter than that skin.

Stretch marks. But the skin can still contract. She is a very curvy person but it’s all hidden by this, by skin and fat. Remove the fat and get that skin to contract, we see this little tiny waist. Look at the skin at the back. Look at the skin after. Look at the skin in the stomach. Look at the skin after. This skin is much tighter than this. Without the skin contracting, this skin still looks like this, that would be a useless liposuction. The skin contracting is probably as important or maybe even more important than removing fat.

Look at the skin here. Look how it’s tighter there. It’s the skin contracting.

Thin person, still even this person looks muscular. This one not as much muscular.

This back, the skin is tighter than that.

Another example. Look at the skin contracting. It doesn’t always have to be a tummy tuck. The skin can contract.

The back is tighter than it was before.

This skin is tighter than that. The back is tighter afterwards than before. When that skin contracts, it gives you that tiny. Look at the volume of skin here compared to the volume of skin there.

Look how tight the skin is, how loose the skin is here hanging over the bra. Tighter afterwards. It’s the skin contracting. That’s the big deal.

Really the skin tone always shrinks. Look at this little body that’s hidden inside here. Look at the length of that line. Look at the length of this line. This line is 20% shorter. It’s about the skin contracting.

Look at the back. The skin is tight.

This is a thin person. The skin is still tighter.

Again, the skin is tighter.

Making the small back but that skin shrinks to the back.

This skin is tighter than before. The back tighter than before. Wrinkles, no wrinkles.

Look at the skin on the back. Much improved.

Key. Look at the skin of the abdomen. Much tighter afterwards. You find this little body. The skin contracts like a glove. Now, you see the results.

The back, taking down the back. They key, taking down the back and get that skin to contract. It’s the skin.

Again, the same picture. This is really skin contracting.

This back contracted? Maybe not a 100% but it did contract 95%. This surgery is about eh skin contracting.

Good skin, not a big issue.

Adding fat here was a big deal for her.

Look at the skin after. Look at it before. It’s tighter after than before.

Look at the wrinkles on the back. Look how much less. This is only a week. It’s about the skin contracting.

Liposuction is about removing fat but the most important thing is the skin contracting.

Thank you very much for your support.

Cost of Liposuction

The pricing of liposuction will vary based on geographic region and the surgery practice. Because liposuction is an elective procedure, insurance will not cover the costs. However, financial plans are available to help with surgery costs. If you have any financial questions, feel free to ask us.

Are you ready to take the first step to eliminating those stubborn fat deposits for a slimmer you? If so, contact Dr. Perry for more information or to schedule an appointment. We would be happy to answer any questions regarding the liposuction procedure that you may have.

Liposuction FAQs

Does fat come back after lipo?

Liposuction removes the actual fat cells, so those cells will not be able to come back after a liposuction procedure. However, you can still gain weight in other untreated areas. The best way to maintain results is to practice a healthy diet and exercise routine.

How do I prepare for liposuction?

To prepare for liposuction, you may be required to undergo lab testing. You will also be advised to stop smoking and take certain medications. Make sure you schedule the appropriate amount of time off from work for your recovery.

How does Lipo work?

Liposuction works by using a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, or buttocks. The procedure breaks up and "sucks" fat from your body through a cannula, a long, hollow instrument.

How much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach?

Prices can vary depending on the needs and desires of each patient. In general, the price of abdominal liposuction can range from around $2,000-$3,500.

How much fat can lipo remove?

Liposuction can safely remove a moderate amount of fat. In one treatment, the most fat that liposuction can remove is around 6-8 pounds.

Can I get liposuction if I am overweight?

Patients with BMIs over 40 are susceptible to increased surgical risks, so they may not qualify for liposuction. The best way to determine if liposuction will work for you is to schedule a consultation.

Is it easier to lose weight after liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and will not affect your metabolism or appetite. However, some people find that their new body contours make it easier to work out, thus leading to increased weight loss.

Who is good candidate for liposuction?

Anyone seeking to eliminate excess fat on the abdomen, arms, thighs, hips, back, or buttocks is an ideal candidate for liposuction. Candidates should be comfortable with the procedure's invasive nature and ready for recovery. It is also important for candidates to maintain realistic expectations regarding the results.

Are you put to sleep for liposuction?

Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia. This not only ensures you do not feel a thing during the procedure, but you will also be asleep.

How long do you need off work after liposuction?

The amount of time you will need off from work after liposuction will vary depending on the intricacies of your personal procedure and the nature of your work. Most people will be able to return to work around 2 weeks after their procedure.

Is liposuction an outpatient procedure?

Most liposuction procedures are outpatient. This means that after a short recovery period, after you get out of surgery, you will be able to go home.

Does liposuction leave scars?

The liposuction surgery requires small incisions that will leave some scars. Dr. Perry will place the incisions in inconspicuous locations so they are well hidden and barely noticeable.

Does liposuction hurt?

When you get liposuction done, anesthesia will be used for the procedure so that you feel no pain during the surgery. After the procedure it is common to experience some pain, swelling, bruising, and soreness.