Reasons to Consider Liposuction
You know that your body is a gift. It’s your temple and you have to take good care of it. You make healthy choices when it comes to what you eat. You exercise every day and embrace physical fitness. You try to get enough sleep and stay away from stress.
All of your efforts should help you to have a great figure, but you have trouble spots. There’s stubborn fat that is clinging to your buttocks, your abdomen and your thighs. You’ve tried everything. It’s time to consider liposuction as an option that could be the right solution for you.
Why Consider Liposuction?
Liposuction is not considered a weight loss solution. If you are excessively overweight, you need to manage your weigh first before considering this surgical alternative. Liposuction is intended for people who have reached their goal weight or are within a close range of their ideal weight.
It is effective in removing resistant fat that will not respond to exercise or your diet. If you have fat that is hanging on in your abdomen, your thighs, your upper arms, your buttocks or your back, you may want to choose liposuction to get rid of that fat once and for all.
What Happens During Liposuction?
During a typical liposuction procedure, the surgeon removes excess fat from the desired areas. You will want to follow our surgeon’s advice when it comes to taking care of yourself after surgery. Once you have fully healed, you will be able to enjoy the new you.
Making Sure Your Results Last
When you opt for liposuction, you will say goodbye to that fat forever. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t accumulate fat in those areas again. There are certain areas in the body that are at a greater risk of becoming storage spots for fat if you gain weight. Stay the course and be tough on yourself with physical fitness and wise choices in eating to maintain your results. You want all of that hard work to pay off.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About Liposuction
While liposuction is a less involved procedure, it is still a form of surgery. You are sure to have many questions. Make an appointment at the office of Dr. Wendell Perry, MD to find solutions for your fatty deposits. You’ll be able to discuss the liposuction procedure step by step. Know exactly what to expect in the future when you are thinking about the recovery process.
The results will be well worth it when you look at your new figure in the mirror and see how nicely your clothes fit. Our office is located in Miramar and we happily serve theAlexandria – Woodbridge, VA & Rockville, MD area. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn more.