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Hi, this is Dr. Perry. Today, we’re going to talk about the Brazilian butt lift and thin patients. Everyone kind of thinks you have to have a lot of fat to be curvy, to have a Brazilian butt lift, but you can be curvy at a hundred pounds, 130 pounds, 160 pounds, 200 pounds… all the curve is is having a waist narrower than the ribs, narrower than the hips. I always hear patients saying that they were told they have to gain weight in order to do a Brazilian butt lift. This doesn’t really work, and I just think it’s a bad idea, and here’s why it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because fat cells don’t replicate. If you gain weight then each number — each of your fat cells gets bigger, but the number doesn’t increase. Liposuction works because fat cells don’t replicate. If you took one cell away another one grew back, you know, no liposuction would ever work. So, that idea of gaining weight for the surgery is kind of flawed. The thing is… why do I really not like it? Because, one, you gain weight you stretch the skin. Now the skin has less tone, you have stretch marks, it doesn’t look as good. The other thing is, if you gain weight — say you gain 20 pounds for the surgery. You gain the 20 pounds for the surgery, you transfer a hundred big, you know, very large fat cells. You put it in the buttocks, and then you lose the 20 pounds after. Now those cells are just going to shrink back to the same size they would have been. So in the end, you only have a temporary change in the buttocks and nothing permanent. So you just have to work with what you have. You know, it’s all — it doesn’t that — you always don’t always have to make the biggest buttocks in the world to look really good. So, that’s why I think, you know, the Brazilian butt lift can be done in a thin person. The truth is, you know, it’s kind of like a breast augmentation. You know, if you were 5’1”, you know, a 300 CC implant is a D cup. If you’re 6’1”, you need a 600 CC implant to be a D cup. So, the same thing with doing the fat transfer in a small person. If you are a hundred pounds, you don’t need as much fat to make a change in the buttocks as if you’re 200 pounds. So, that’s why it’s a good procedure for thin patients also.
Now, remember what we’re doing with liposuction is we’re just changing concentrations of fat cells. So, essentially, when you do the liposuction in the problem area, you’re just taking away fat cells from the problem area in order to…in order to get that area smoother and then smaller. When you do the fat transfer, you’re taking that same fat that was in the problem area and then putting it where you want that to go. So, essentially all you’ve done is really move the problem area from one place to the other, so that’s kind of what we’re doing when we’re doing a liposuction on a thin patient. So, you know, the big… the big, you know, the big key, the big secret weapon for doing a liposuction on a thin — on a small person or a thin person is you can make the waist tiny. And if, you know, if you have a two-inch waist and four-inch hips, you know, you – you look outrageously curvy, you look like Betty Boop. You know, the waist is small enough, it doesn’t matter how big the buttocks is.
So, that’s kind of the idea of the Brazilian Butt Lift and a thin person. So the — you know, so you remember what we’ve been… With the liposuction is even the concentration of fat cells. So, you know, this is an example here of a Brazilian butt lift and a thin person. Now if you kind of see, initially she has a very straight figure; You don’t really see the hips and the curves. But now, when we bring the waist in, you know, see, if you kind of look at the waist here, the waist is actually larger than the ribs. Now we have the waist smaller than the ribs, and now she has a nice, smooth, curvy figure. So, there’s not a lot of fat, but this is a curvy figure, and this one is not. And you can see what we’ve done with the hips: we’ve taken away this fat and then moved it here. So now, instead of this concave area in the hips, now we have a convex area the hips. This buttocks just looks better than the buttocks before. And now, you see here, we have the flat spot in the bottom of the buttocks, and now we’ve filled out the buttocks; give more projection and a rounder, a better looking buttocks. So even though she’s not a big person, she’s very curvy and looks — looks gorgeous. Doesn’t have to have the biggest buttocks in the world to look great, it’s just that she’s got that nice smooth s-curve, she’s got the buttocks with the projection. The flat spot is taken care of, the hollow in the hips is gone — instead of being concave, it’s convex.
Now, we’ll look at another patient. It’s again, we have a patient with a little bit of a wider waist and a flat spot in the hips, a flat spot in the hips, a little extra adipose in the abdomen. So, after we brought the waist in, now we have that small, smooth, curvy figure. We add to the hips, now we have a nice smooth curve. Here, she’s just pretty much straight — straight up and down, no real curve, no real shape. And then we’ve taken what little bit of fat she had– we took fat from the arms, the back, the inner thighs, the abdomen — but now we’ve added to that flat area in the hips and now we have, instead of a flat line, a nice smooth curve, and it’s just a good look. Here we have a box, and here we have a circle. So, it’s not like there’s a lot of fat, but she has a nice little curvy figure.
And here’s another example of a thin patient. And again, you can see, she’s straight up and down without much shape and much curve. This picture is only a, you know, these last two pictures were only a week after surgery. It’s a nice smooth, smooth, nice straight area without a curve. Now we bring the waist in, and now we have a nice curve. You can see the stomach, you know, is as big as the buttocks. Now, we have a flat stomach and more projection in the buttocks. It’s just instead of a straight line, now we have a curve. So, it’s a nice, curvy figure without telling the people to gain weight, and we’re taking somebody with really — without any curve and creating curves. So, these are three examples of a fat transfer in thin patients, and you can see that they have a nice curvy figure, nice shape of the buttocks, improved shape instead of flat lines, curves instead of the stomach being stronger than the buttocks, now the buttocks’ stronger than the stomach. So, these are examples of how a thin person can have a Brazilian butt lift.
So again, gaining weight for the surgery is not the right thing to do. You damage your skin. The other thing is that it’s not permanent, you know. If you gain weight for the surgery, you have to stay at that weight forever in order to keep the buttocks that size. Otherwise, the buttocks will shrink back to the same size it was. So Brazilian butt lifts do work in thin patients. These are three results and they show you nice curvy figures. Thanks for watching these YouTube — YouTube channel, and we’ll try to make more videos and give more information. Take care.