BBL Continued – Transcribed Video
Hello. This is a continuation of the virtual Brazilian butt lift consultation. These are the photographs I would show you if you were in the office for a consultation. The point of this video is to show you what can be done and what can’t be done with a Brazilian butt lift.
First photograph is the patient has had some liposuction done by someone else for this first picture. What we see is the diameter of the waist, the diameter of the hips are too similar. So there’s no shape and she’s straight. The other thing we see is the skin is loose.
Now what I want you to see after – between the before and after pictures is creating a narrow waist is the key to the procedure. When you make a narrow waist, everything looks good. The other important thing to see is that skin contracts. If you look at the skin before and compare it to the skin after, the skin before is looser and it’s tighter after the surgery.
If you do superficial liposuction correctly, the skin will contract. Not a question of if the skin will contract. It’s a question of how much. The better the skin tone, the more the skin contracts. The lesser stretch marks, the more the skin contracts. But the skin will always contract if superficial liposuction is done correctly. Skin will not get looser after liposuction. It will get tighter.
Now we look at the back. Again, the big deal is the waist. When you make a small waist, everything looks good. So far as the fat transfer, we add the fat to the hips. If you look at the thigh, you see a curve, the flat line, then another curve.
The goal is to fill this area to get one smooth curve really from the thigh to the hips. The narrow waist and the small back is a key to the operation. Everybody is a little flat on the bottom. Adding fat to the bottom gives more projection.
Another patient. Again, the primary example I want you to see, the skin after is tighter than the skin before. Again, some people would say this person had to have a tummy tuck, liposuction. It didn’t work. But it does work. Skin will contract if superficial liposuction is done correctly. Again, if you look at the curve on the hips, we see a curve, a flat line, a curve. Goal is to get one smooth curve from the waist to the hips. The waist is the key to the operation. Look at the skin on the back. After the skin is tighter than it was before and more projection in the buttocks.
A small back. That looks great. That’s the problem. If you have a small back and small waist, everything looks good. You can see this indentation. You fill this out to get a smooth curve. Then more projection.
The next example, this is a thin person. She wanted more definition. She wanted a six-pack to show. So what we did was liposuction, abdomen, plank, back, inner thigh and knee. Do extra liposuction here and here and then less the six-pack show. If you like the muscle look, that’s what we will do. If you look, indentation, now no indentation. It just looks cleaner. When you take away the inside of the knee, the inside of the thigh, the thigh looks more muscular and the knee looks more muscular.
Even though she’s thin, extra on the waist. Everyone has got extra on the waist. You take down the waist, everything looks good. Again, flat on the bottom. Add to the bottom. Everybody is flat on the bottom.
Now here’s one of my pictures that’s trying to prove that skin contracts with liposuction. I made a C-section length cut here and took out a football-shaped skin to tighten the skin below the belly button because this skin was very stretched and very loose and would not contract on its own. Everything above the belly button, all the skin above the belly button is contracting with liposuction alone. The cut only helped from the belly button down.
The point is the skin can contract. It did not have to be a tummy tuck. Abdominal wall, her abdominal wall muscles were strong. If the abdominal wall muscles were strong and the stomach is round because of skin and fat, liposuction becomes an option.
If the abdominal wall is weak, then you mandatorily have to have a tummy tuck in order to tighten the muscles. But you can just see a completely different look. Here she’s just straight up and down. Here shaped and curved.
Again, the big deal of everything is the small back. You get a small back, everything looks good. When you look at the thigh, a curve, a flat line, curve. Now we got one smooth curve. You look at the buttocks. A curve, a flat, flat, flat. Now we fill this out to get one smooth curve. The smooth curve is the key to looking good. If things are smooth and it’s a smooth curve, that’s what looks good. Not necessarily it has to be so, so big but the curve is good.
What I want you to see is she has hidden all of her curve. Very curvy person but it’s hidden and we just allow it to show. Her big problem is the deficit here. Adding to that, you can see where the curve should be and find that curve. Look at the skin before. Look at the skin after. The skin after is tighter than before.
Again, skin will always contract in a superficial liposuction done correctly. Small back is the key. We take down the back, everything looks good. That’s too much of a straight line. Create a curve. It looks good. The indentation, you see where the curve should be. You fill it to where it’s supposed to be. That’s a straight line. That’s a curve.
Great skin. You know it will contract. All we did was find the small body inside of here. No curves to very curvy. Look at the length of this line. Look at the length of that line. This line is at least 30 percent shorter than that. That means the skin contracted 30 percent. Taking down this big back. Given a tiny back, looks great. Now what do I do when I see scars? You can never – I can never get them perfect. Better but not perfect.
Now this is just liposuction alone. There’s no fat transfer. What I’m trying to show with this picture is when you liposuction one area and take away a storage area for fat, another area will compensate. Liposuction is not a weight-changing procedure. If you take away one storage area, some cells will get bigger. This lady had liposuction, abdomen, flank, back, arms, inner thigh. She’s too straight. Now curves.
So we’ve taken away all the fat here, all the storage here, all the storage here. Look at the buttocks after. Look at the buttocks before. Without touching it, the buttocks just looks bigger afterwards.
Some optical illusion, you make the waist smaller, the buttocks look bigger. But I think part of what’s really going on is calories can no longer store in here. They can no longer store here. They’ve got to store some place else. That tends to be the buttocks. So liposuction on its own may make the buttocks bigger.
Thin person but no shape. Thigh is more prominent than the hips. The waist is wider than the ribs. Liposuction, abdomen, flank, back, inner thigh, outer thigh, arms, fat injection in the buttocks. Your eyes beforehand go to the thighs. Now your eyes go to the hips. Nice, smooth curve.
And even though this lady is thin, there’s still extra in the waist. Everybody. I don’t care if you weigh 100 pounds. There’s still extra here. You get that down. Everything looks better. Her big problem was hollow in these hips on the side. We use what fat we have to fill the hips. This is just a better shape than that. There’s just more projection in here.
Again, just finding a great curve that’s inside. The curve is hidden by this. Liposuction, abdomen, flank, back, arms, inner thigh. This skin is tighter than that skin. Let these curves show. Flat line, fill those to more curves.
Taking down this big back. Letting it show. Curve, flat line, curve. Now it’s smoother curve. More projection. Hollow area. Fill that hollow. Not a heavy person but this nice curve is hidden again. Good skin. It contracts. Liposuction, abdomen, flank, back, inner thigh. You bring a small waist, everything looks good. Look at the skin on the abdomen before, skin after, tighter afterwards.
Everybody has got too much here. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh. You bring that down, everything looks good. Too straight. That’s a straight line. Straight lines never look good. You got to fill them and get a smooth curve. Then just more projection in the buttocks. Fill the hollow here.
Took two surgeries to move from here to here. But the point is she has good skin, doesn’t always have to be a tummy tuck. Liposuction, the skin contracts. We go from here to here. Before, the waist is wider than the hips. Now the waist is nowhere near as wide as the hips. Look at the skin contract from this to that.
So it does not always have to be a tummy tuck. If the muscles are strong, liposuction option, filling these buttocks.
Look at the skin on the back. Still not completely contracted but 90 percent tighter than it was before. The back is bigger than the hips. Now the hips are bigger than the back. Filling the buttocks, getting that shape, filling the hollows, giving more projection. So liposuction is a powerful tool and can make a terrible difference – a wonderful difference in how people look.
Thin person, great-looking person but hollows. Liposuction arms, abdomen, back, flanks, inner thigh. Good-looking to great-looking. Stomach is flatter. Not a whole lot of fat but filling this hollow, filling these flat spots and just a tremendous change in the look from great to gorgeous. Filling this hollow is a big deal. Taking the waist down. Everyone has got too much in their waist. Small waist, fill the hollow. Everything looks good. That’s the indentation. Now it’s a smooth curve from the waist to the hips. The hollow in the buttocks. Fill the hollow in the buttocks.
I mean just fantastic look. Again, waist, almost as wide as the hips. Great skin. You know it’s going to shrink. Good-looking to great-looking. This skin is tighter than the skin before, always tighter. Very flat on the bottom, fill the bottom.
Taking down this back is the key to the whole operation. When you have a small back like this, it looks fantastic. Curve, smooth curve from the waist to the thigh. One smooth curve. It looks fantastic. That’s great-looking. More projection. Fill this hollow.
Straight up and down. There’s a straight line from the ribs to the knee. That’s a straight line. Now, curves. This skin is tighter than that skin.
Taking down this back is the key. Hollow in the buttocks, filling that hollow. Good look, very good look, very curvy.
So that is the conclusion of the before-and-afters, trying to give you an explanation of what can be done and what can’t be done, trying to show you how liposuction plays a role in the Brazilian butt lift.