Functional Benefits of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is the official term for a procedure that is commonly referred to as a nose job. When people think about someone getting a nose job, they may think about someone who is vain or who wants to change their appearance so that they fit into the “social norm.” And while there are quite a few individuals who have rhinoplasty surgery done simply for its cosmetic benefits, a surprisingly large amount of people have a procedure performed in order to help them breathe and live better.
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a general term that refers to cosmetic procedures that are performed to adjust the nose’s internal and/or external structure. At times, the procedure is performed for aesthetic reasons. However, in many cases, the primary goal of rhinoplasty, or at least a secondary goal of the procedure, is to help a person breathe better. When the purpose of the procedure is to improve breathing, it may be referred to as functional rhinoplasty.
A distinction needs to be made between functional rhinoplasty and septoplasty. The latter of the two focuses on repairing the wall that divides the nasal cavities. Functional rhinoplasty includes repairing not just the dividing wall, but also the nasal valves themselves. Nasal valves refer to the cartilage that a person has inside their nostrils.
A person may have a congenital defect that makes their nostrils narrow. Or as a person ages, their nostrils may collapse. Another reason why the nasal passages may be narrow is because of scarring as a result of a previous surgery. Even though the primary purpose of functional rhinoplasty is to restore normal breathing, it frequently necessitates some adjustment to the appearance of the nose.
Patients will have a procedure done for functional reasons that include a nasal injury that has minimized their ability to breathe normally; a birth defect that has impaired their breathing function; a deformity to the nasal passageway as a result of a trauma, illness or tumor; an obstruction to nasal breathing; or nasal valves that have narrowed or collapsed.
How is Functional Rhinoplasty Performed?
The specific details of this procedure depend on what needs to be done and the personal preference of the patient. However, during most of these surgeries, the surgeon rebuilds and restructures the nose.
Contact Us Today
Functional rhinoplasty has improved the lives of thousands of people. It helps them breathe better, feel better and have an improved quality of life. To get all the facts about this procedure, visit the office of Dr. Wendell Perry, MD in Miramar. Our team of medical professionals will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.