What are the Benefits of Facelift Surgery?
Your face is what defines who you are. It is a larger part of your identity than your own name. If your face has a worn out appearance, it will negatively affect the way you look at yourself and could drain you of your self-confidence. Facelift surgery is beneficial because it will leave you with a youthful appearance and looking well-rested and relaxed. A facelift procedure can serve as a base to allow you to age gracefully in the years to come.
What Problems Are Treated by Facelifts?
Facelift surgery is a tool that can fix specific problems that are associated with aging. These include loose skin, sagging skin, facial hollowness, and the overall lack of facial definition that accompanies aging.
Before beginning a facelift procedure, the surgeon will sit down with you and will listen to the concerns you have about your facial characteristics. Then they will present to you with a facelift option designed to address what bothers you. No two facelifts are exactly alike. This is because what makes one person look prematurely aged may not affect another. So the treatment must be tailored to you.
What is a Facelift Surgery?
Rhytidectomy is the medical term that is used to describe facelift surgery. This procedure is among the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the world. It is performed when a surgeon removes excessive skin from the face, neck and cheeks. Once this is done, the skin will be redraped over the facial structure and tightened.
During the procedure, incisions will be made, your skin and the muscles in your face will be tightened, and excessive skin will be removed. Consult with the surgeon regarding how the procedure will be specifically performed. Procedure time may vary.
Once your face has completely healed, you will notice that your skin is tighter and fresher-looking. You will be left with an appearance that will boost your self-esteem. Wrinkles and other defects related to the aging process and sun exposure will have disappeared. The positive result of plastic surgery can last for more than a decade.
Contact the office of Dr. Wendell Perry, MD today to schedule a consultation to get the youthful appearance you’ve been hoping for. Our practice offers a variety of services to help patients reach their cosmetic goals. We offer breast augmentation, Brazilian butt lift, male breast reduction, and more.